So, I've joined the Tour de France KAL. It will be fun... I got into watching the race thanks to Jason and like following the cyclists on the tour. I'm going to knit my sock pal's socks. Yes, I know I've already posted about my pal's sock. I decided against them as my pal's feet are longer than what I'm used to kniting for and I feared that there may not be enough yarn for a nice length on the leg. I bought some nice sock yarn with more than 400 yards in it.
This is my first attempt at trying out a pattern. Turned out too tight and I wasnt having fun with it. I think it looks great though. Just not a great knit for me.

Here is my second attempt. I worried again that it would be too tight and I guess I just wasn't keen on the striping going on.

So, I found a pattern that I think will work out alright. And I really hope she likes it cause this is my last and final attempt. That's not a bad attitude now is it?